Discover How To Create Authentic Plant-Based Dairy Products

Looking for How To Create Authentic Plant-Based Products? You’re In The Right Place!

To meet the increasing demands of consumers, more—and more creative—vegan and plant-based alternatives are showing up on grocery store shelves and restaurant menus. With the space continuously evolving and innovations happening rapidly, it is crucial for food manufacturers and their food scientists to stay ahead of the curve when trying to create authentic plant-based dairy products. Don’t miss key insights and trend data inside this eBook!

What’s Inside? Plant-Based Trend insights, plus…

• How to recreate the taste and texture of authentic dairy in plant-based foods and beverages
• How To Make Your Product Stand Out From The Crowd
• The latest innovations in reinventing the taste of dairy

Learn more about the latest market trends as well as solving plant-based food and beverage challenges to meet consumer demand inside our Dairy Can Be Plant-Based and Authentic eBook to see how we use non-dairy and vegan flavors to create indulgent and healthy products.

Whether looking to overcome masking or mouthfeel challenges, or just capture true dairy profiles in your product, the experts at Edlong are ready to leverage over 100 years of dairy ingredient and flavor expertise. Contact us today to get started!


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